or phone 01865 598180 |
After successfully delivering the BBO - Removing Barriers Rebuilding
Lives Project over the last few years, The Buck Project Limited is now
delighted to announce their success in applying for National Lottery funding
enabling us to now deliver our Your Choice, Your Future with our
Intelligent Kindness Project in the Abingdon, Didcot and Witney areas
over the course of the next two years. The Project delivery will continue to be driven by 1-2-1 Peer Mentor meetings and Participants will be supported to: • Overcome barriers. • Build a sense of purpose. • Understand the financial support available and create financial stability. • Develop a meaningful future for their family. • Engage in personal development, training and education. • Move closer to or into the job market. • Make a positive contribution to their community. Our Project delivery went live on 1st June 2024and we are now accepting referrals from anyone who would like our support, lives in the above area and is between the ages of 18 and 64 to either call us on 01865 598180 or send an e-mail to If you are an organisation that would like to refer someone then the referral process is simple. Just send an e-mail to - The person’s full name - The person’s contact telephone number - The statement – “They have given permission for their details to be passed to The Buck Project Limited” We hope you will support our Project delivery in these communities and look forward to receiving your referrals. |
Your Choice, Your Future with Our Intelligent Kindness.
"Our mission is to encourage and foster Peer to Peer mentoring and by doing so, improve education, vocational and employment opportunities." |
“I would like to say how grateful I am to have such a street-wise considerate man helping me and more importantly understanding where I am coming from, how it affects me and fighting my corner. He gives me strength when I have no reserves to call upon” |
"We're just a call away! Please call us on 01865 598180" |
“After establishing a trusting rapport my mentee has now agreed to attend one to one sessions with me on the Toe by Toe phonic reading programme. This reading programme will enable him to continue with his own job searches and to make much better use of the internet.” |
Testimonial |
Financially supported in 2012 by The Allen Lane Foundation. |
A Bill Buck production for The Buck Project Ltd © 2024 | Privacy |
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